
Ask a Sexologist Consultation

Sure, you could just Google it, but do you trust your intimate life to Reddit and WebMD?

Get factual information about sexuality + intimacy topics, plus compassion and confidentiality. You’ll leave our chat with your question answered and at least one resource or action step to continue to address it.

Questions about sexual health, bdsm, how to close the orgasm gap, what to ask your doctor, the best lubricants, and much, much more.

This is also a great option if you are a fellow professional in another field looking for insight on human sexuality. Pick my brain!

With over 2 decades in sex education & wellness, there aren’t many sex-related questions I can’t answer. If your question is outside of my professional realm, happy to refund you fully.


One-time 45 minute session for $99

Spark Intimacy: Strategy Session for Couples

This session is for you if things are already good between you two, and you don’t want your vibrant intimate life to stagnate.

Wanting to improve things doesn’t mean anything’s wrong – it’s means you care about each other’s wellbeing!

If you’re looking for ideas and practical suggestions to:

      • Increase your frequency of connection
      • Prioritize your intimate life
      • Infuse more playfulness into your relationship
      • Explore new sensations
      • Safely introduce BDSM/kink
      • Sustain or reignite the spark
      • Navigate and connect during new life or health phases (such as pregnancy, menopause, or health concerns)
    • Tailored just for the two of you, to enhance and enrich your already thriving relationship.

1:1 Coaching

Leave behind those harsh self-critical stories you’ve been carrying around, break out of stagnant patterns, and rediscover the joyous playground of your true desires and needs. Connect with your body, boundaries, & most confident, vibrant self, through personalized one-on-one support. 

Whether you’re exploring kinks or keeping it vanilla, elevate your intimacy, pleasure, and self-love with expert guidance tailored to your unique needs and goals. 

Coaching with Julia is safe, dedicated space for you to rediscover yourself, pleasure-wise.  


Couples Coaching

  You both want to feel seen, loved, & passionately desired, yet so many obstacles can stand in the way. Couples coaching supports you to prioritize pleasure and play together, rather than leaving your intimacy to pressure and unrealistic expectations. Ditch the shame, blame, and frustration; let’s practice the skills to make you a more dynamic duo in the bedroom and beyond. 

With a mixture of 1:1 and joint sessions together, couples coaching helps you connect with yourself to find your own desires, boundaries, values, and needs so that you can communicate your way to bedroom bliss together. With personalized guidance, tools, and resources, the deliciously fulfilling relationship you dream of is within reach.  


"Today I feel like I’m 100% better than I was when I first had to look at you on this screen....I feel like I’m getting a lot of valuable information. And we are definitely moving in the right direction. I am happy I stepped out of my comfort zone and confided in you with all my "issues." I feel like we are friends but have never physically met."

~ C.A.

“Julia was so easy to talk to and made us feel comfortable talking about personal matters right away! She had so many useful suggestions to help keep things exciting. She’s an awesome coach, an amazing human, and a total pleasure to work with.”

~ B.W.

“I grew up in a family and a culture where it was inappropriate to talk about sex, so, needless to say, I had lots of preconceived ideas and myths that were keeping me from enjoying my sexuality to the fullest. Julia helped bust those stereotypes and helped me feel more comfortable with my sexuality! She is so wonderful to work with! She has a way of instantly making one feel at ease with having these usually uncomfortable, but necessary conversations. She listens to her clients and helps them develop and implement a plan to improve their communication, connection and intimacy. I highly recommend her!”

~ L.W.

“I have loved all of the discussions we’ve had. Both in your presence and also outside of your presence. It’s really opened up a whole level of communication- and we were already really good communicators. It was helpful for me that you had a different angle. I’ve got the therapist perspective and you’ve got the coach perspective. Which isn’t far off, but it’s a different angle, and I found that really beneficial for me.”

~ Marie

“I loved the feeling of affirmation, in the sense that it’s ok to feel certain ways, without shame…. You heard us, as individuals and as a couple. And affirmed both. And that was really affirming for me, and I just felt validated in a lot of ways. Even in my concerns, and in (her and my) disagreements, I felt validated, she felt validated. It wasn’t like ‘either/or,’ it was ‘both/and’ kind of thing.”

~ Frank

“Julia really listened to our issues. They were of a quite sensitive nature, but she didn’t laugh or doubt. She took us seriously from the beginning and offered real solutions. AND THEY WORK. We continue to go to her for support in this arena. If the subject matter weren’t so intimate there’d be no end to my praise for her. But since it is, I’ll just say this: We needed help. She helped us. I am DEEPLY thankful for Julia!!!”

~ M.W.

About Julia

Julia, a Board-Certified Sexologist, passionately dedicates her days to dispelling myths and shining light on taboo topics, so that you can shine brighter, too.
