A Pleasure Wise World


Picture a world where profound self-love extends to every aspect of yourself- embracing flaws, flab, and all your funny quirks. Imagine relishing pleasure, playfulness, & joy–  in body, mind, and heart.

Imagine a community full of people who cherish their bodies, radiate self-love, exude joy, practice generosity, display kindness, foster connections, embrace sensuality, and revel in the enjoyment of sex. It’s a world where the negative stigma around sex, and the perception that our bodies can never quite measure up, simply don’t exist.


Read my interview with Bold Journey

In this utopia, sexual health seamlessly integrates into overall well-being from birth to death. The definition of health expands to include feeling good in your body, with a celebration of all body types, regardless of health statistics or status. The overarching goal is not to conform to someone else’s standards but to optimize personal well-being, to discover your own delightful deviance from “the norm.”

It’s a world where no one is shamed for being true to themselves, provided their expression doesn’t harm others. We embrace a diverse array of values and beliefs as a cornerstone of this society.

At Pleasure Wise Wellness, we believe that this transformative world begins with each individual, with us, right here and now.

Will you join us on this empowering journey?

Meet Julia Satterlee, Founder of PWW


Hey there! I’m your guide to Empowered Pleasure!

Board-Certified Sexologist:  Certified by the American Board of Sexology, and with over two decades in sexuality education & advocacy, Julia happily dispels myths and tackles taboo topics to help you shine brighter. 

Certified Sex Coach: With hundreds of hours of study and practice in the blending of sexology & coaching, Julia’s approach is nurturing and non-pathologizing, focusing on what’s already right with you. In private practice since 2019.

Sociology Background & Continuing Education: Armed with a BA in Sociology, Julia assures you of the commonality of your concerns and backs it up —  whenever possible — with her giddy enthusiasm for data and research. She’s a lifelong learner, constantly reading more and taking more trainings to spread the informational wealth. 

Pleasure Extraordinaire: Julia’s enthusiasm for scientific facts meets her passion for poetry, music, and natural beauty all around us and within us. She believes strongly in the power of sensual, creative and bodily expression for sexual confidence and fulfillment. Pleasure is an integral part of health, as well as a source of motivation and joy.

Compassion-Based Professional: With extensive training in Mindful Self-Compassion and adult education, Julia understands that growth requires feeling safe, seen, and valued. She prides herself on fostering a comfortable environment for discussing sensitive topics.

Bilingual Expertise: Fluent in Spanish, with a BA in Spanish and six years of residency in small-town Mexico, she adds a unique cultural perspective to her practice.

Global Accessibility: Based in Savannah, Georgia, Julia offers virtual consultations, ensuring accessibility for clients worldwide.

Read my interview in CanvasRebel

“Working with Julia is like having the best friend you always wish you had in that she is both very knowledgeable about sexuality as well as open, inviting, and non judge-mental. You can feel safe being yourself with her, and she can truly help answer any questions you have and work with you to improve all aspects of your sex life. Whether you want to spice things up with your partner, explore yourself more, or just ask the questions you are shy to ask anyone else, she is just a treasure. She is so kind, funny, and knowledgeable and makes me feel both safe and normal. I just adore her and have already learned so much and I can’t recommend her enough.”


“Here’s my personal testimony, folks: Julia is a professional who can add value to your life, as she did mine.”

~ JC

“Julia has an incredible talent for making people feel comfortable enough to share their concerns not only with her but with themselves. And she accomplishes this by modeling that openness and sharing her own experiences. It's this vulnerability that always sparks some self-reflection in me and that skill is indispensable in this line of work. She's truly phenomenal and necessary.”

~ A.D.

"A lot of people share information, but they are not very good educators. Julia did a fantastic job in keeping the class engaged and entertained. The material was shared in a very digestible and understandable way. Even her interactive portions of the class were done so well that it was non-threatening."

~ W.M.

“I especially liked Julia’s down-to-earth presence, openness, and occasional humor that made it much more comfortable to talk about awkward or difficult subjects."

~ N.R.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What does a Clinical Sexologist DO exactly?

A: I leverage my years of specialized training in human sexuality to support individuals and couples in creating the intimate lives they desire. As a certified coach, my focus is on guiding you towards your goals and helping you navigate challenges in your sex life and relationships. Whether it’s addressing pain during sex, overcoming orgasm obstacles, or enhancing communication and body positivity, I’m here to provide compassionate guidance and practical solutions.

Q: What is coaching, and how is it different from therapy? When might I need a sexologist, a coach, a therapist, or a medical doctor?

A: Coaching involves collaborative conversations aimed at setting and achieving specific goals, whereas therapy often involves deeper exploration of emotional issues and past traumas. As a Clinical Sexologist, I take a holistic approach, integrating thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations to address your concerns. If you’re struggling with sexual or relationship issues, or seeking guidance on matters related to sexuality, a sexologist or coach may be the right choice for you. I also work closely with medical professionals and therapists when additional support is needed, and I refer you to those or other professionals as needed.

Q: Do you watch me (or us) in the bedroom? Do I have to be naked?

A: Not at all! Our sessions do not involve nudity or any sexual activities. Instead, we engage in guided discussions to explore your concerns and develop strategies for improvement. All exercises and practices suggested for home play are entirely optional and will only be recommended if they align with your comfort level and goals.

Q: What are some reasons to work with a Clinical Sexologist? What are your specialties?

A: People seek out Clinical Sexologists for a variety of reasons, including addressing mismatched desire or libido, low libido, body image concerns, and so much more. 


My specialties include tackling concerns such as pain during sex, obstacles to orgasm, navigating feelings of shame surrounding sex, and promoting body positivity and sexual confidence. I thrive on helping individuals break free from negative patterns and messages, to embrace their unique desires and pleasures, shame-free.

Q: I’m not currently in a relationship, so is this relevant for me?

A: Absolutely! Investing in your sexual well-being and personal growth is always relevant, regardless of your relationship status. Working with a Clinical Sexologist can be a transformative experience, helping you gain insight into your desires, enhance your pleasure, and cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness and confidence. Plus, it’s a great way to prepare for future relationships and ensure you’re ready to create the fulfilling intimacy you deserve.

Q: I’m in a relationship, but I don’t think my partner will go for this with me. What can I do?

A: Bringing up the topic of couples coaching with your partner can feel daunting, but it’s worth having an open and honest conversation about how it could benefit your relationship. You may be surprised by your partner’s willingness to participate once they understand the potential for growth and connection. 


If you’re unsure how to approach the conversation, start with this. Even if your partner isn’t ready to join you, individual coaching sessions can still be incredibly beneficial for your personal growth and relationship dynamics.

Q: How long will it take to resolve my concerns or reach my goals in coaching?

A: Because we’re humans and not robots, I can’t give you an exact timeframe. Coaching involves moving from your current situation towards the future you desire, integrating your body, thoughts, and emotions into our action plan from the start.


If you’re consistently completing the action steps and practices we agree on during our sessions, and attending sessions 2-4 times a month, you’ll likely notice changes relatively quickly. Most clients work with me for a few weeks to a few months, rather than indefinitely.


This process is transformative, so while our focus is on the future, true transformation takes time and can’t be rushed. We’ll aim you towards your goals while enjoying the journey, celebrating your wins in each session.

Q: Is this helpful for healing from sexual trauma?

A: Yes, but let’s make sure it’s the right time for you. Sexual trauma is unfortunately common, and many individuals seek support from Clinical Sexologists to navigate part of their healing journey. While therapy is often the primary and best avenue for processing trauma, coaching complements this work by providing practical strategies and support for moving forward. Whether you’re currently in therapy or not, my goal is to create a safe and supportive space for you to explore your body and your boundaries (both the Nos and the Yeses) and empower you to reclaim your sexuality and pleasure, regardless of past trauma.

If you’ve never opened up to anyone before about sexual abuse or assault, an excellent resource to begin your healing journey is RAINN.

Q: This is such a private topic! How is my privacy respected?

A: Your privacy is of the utmost importance to me, and confidentiality is a cornerstone of my practice. Anything you share with me during our sessions is held in strict confidence. This means that I will not disclose any information about you as a client or our sessions to anyone else without your explicit consent.


All testimonials you’ve seen are shared only with express permission, and using initials or other identifiers that are requested by the client or class participant. Our sessions are not recorded; however, I take notes for my records and for your session notes, which are emailed to you. 


There are legal and ethical obligations to breach confidentiality in cases where there is a risk of harm to yourself or others, including instances of abuse or imminent danger. In such cases, I am obligated to take necessary steps to ensure your safety and well-being, which may involve disclosing information to appropriate authorities or seeking additional support for you. Rest assured, these situations are approached with the utmost care and sensitivity, and your privacy will be respected to the greatest extent possible while ensuring your safety. If you have any concerns about confidentiality or privacy, please feel free to discuss them with me, and I’ll be happy to address them.

About Julia

Julia, a Board-Certified Sexologist, passionately dedicates her days to dispelling myths and shining light on taboo topics, so that you can shine brighter, too.
